Disease Specific Nutrition

Disease-specific nutrition refers to the specific dietary needs and restrictions that are associated with certain medical conditions. Here are some examples of disease-specific nutrition, along with some general do’s and don’ts for each category:


  • Definition: A condition in which the body is unable to properly regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Category: Carbohydrate-controlled diet
  • Do’s: Choose complex carbohydrates (whole grains, fruits, vegetables) over simple carbohydrates (sugar, refined grains); eat regular, balanced meals; monitor carbohydrate intake.
  • Don’ts: Consume sugary drinks and snacks; skip meals or go long periods without eating; eat too many high-carbohydrate foods at once.

Heart disease:

  • Definition: A group of conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels.
  • Category: Heart-healthy diet
  • Do’s: Choose lean proteins (fish, poultry, beans) over red meat; eat plenty of fruits and vegetables; opt for whole grains; limit saturated and trans fats; avoid processed and fried foods.
  • Don’ts: Consume high amounts of saturated and trans fats; eat processed and fried foods; consume excessive amounts of salt.

Celiac disease:

  • Definition: An autoimmune disorder in which the body is unable to digest gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye.
  • Category: Gluten-free diet
  • Do’s: Choose gluten-free grains (rice, quinoa, corn, etc.); eat plenty of fruits and vegetables; opt for fresh, whole foods; read labels carefully to avoid hidden sources of gluten.
  • Don’ts: Consume foods containing gluten (wheat, barley, rye, etc.); assume that a food is gluten-free without checking the label.

Kidney disease:

  • Definition: A condition in which the kidneys are unable to properly filter waste products from the blood.
  • Category: Kidney-friendly diet
  • Do’s: Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables; choose lean proteins (fish, poultry, beans) over red meat; limit phosphorus intake; limit sodium intake; drink plenty of water.
  • Don’ts: Consume excessive amounts of phosphorus (found in dairy products, nuts, and beans); consume high amounts of sodium; drink too little water.


  • Definition: A group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.
  • Category: Cancer-fighting diet
  • Do’s: Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables; choose lean proteins (fish, poultry, beans) over red meat; limit processed and fried foods; limit alcohol intake.
  • Don’ts: Consume excessive amounts of red and processed meats; consume high amounts of saturated and trans fats; drink excessive amounts of alcohol.

Overall, disease-specific nutrition involves tailoring your diet to your specific medical condition in order to optimize your health outcomes. Consulting a healthcare provider or registered dietician can help you develop a personalized nutrition plan that meets your unique needs.